Martensove bridžové webináre

Vynikajúci svetový bridžista Martens ponúka svoje bridžové webináre. Tu je kópia jeho ponuky v angličtine.

Since I have finished my career as a coach, I want to present all the materials and experiences I have accumulated over the last decade. These will be new things that I haven’t included in previously published books. The first two webinars will be free so that players can find out if the formula and level suits them. The cost of subsequent sessions will be approximately seven euros. I will speak in Polish, but with fragments in English, so as to allow my friends from Eastern Europe to understand the meaning of the problem. You can, of course, wait until the end of April, when he will start a series of webinars for Western Europe. However, the cost will be much higher.

Webinar – dummy play mentoring.

Starts February 6, 2024. (Tuesday) 7 p.m

Duration – 2 hours. (10 minute break).

Estimated number of Phase I sessions at least 15.

(subsequent Tuesdays at the same time)

Registration – from January 1, 2024 on the website: